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Stopping stalking on this site

Feb 06, 16 at 4:16am
Yeah, sorry. He made me ward off my friends, extremly paranoid and hostile. So can't really be non biased on this one. I don't even leave the dorm room after dark anymore because I expect him hovering around my door.
Feb 06, 16 at 4:17am
He seems like an unwanted vigilante to me. And he also seems to be obsessed with you, xynox, for some reason.
Feb 06, 16 at 4:19am
But allmighty Voll, who should execute your glorreiche orders?
Feb 06, 16 at 4:19am
The scales must be balanced, order.
Feb 06, 16 at 4:26am
Lmao, getting personal, eh... that's your favourite method.
Feb 06, 16 at 4:49am
You know, the nice thing about freedom is that I can do whatever I want. And there is nothing you can do about it. At least not on the internets. You could pay me a visit, but that would just end badly for you. Apart from that, you are clearly obsessed with xynox. She wants you to leave her alone, and no matter what you saw or heard, you seriously need to respect that. You have no rights in this matter. Also, learn about the concept of a truth.
Xypho if you dont want people talking or getting involved in your personal business may I suggest you not spend months putting it out there for all to see on a public website. You are fucking toxic and are ruining this site for many people. Do us all a favour and fuck off. Nobody wants to hear you go on anymore. It is the same tedious bullshit that we have heard before so shut up!!!
Feb 06, 16 at 4:57am
^Amen to that.
Feb 06, 16 at 5:15am
"I am not obsessed with her I am obsessed with the facts around her, her true nature and the lies she keeps telling me and the people around her" wat
xypho, if it's what you messaged me about MONTHS ago, then I'm afraid you have slipped into obsession, and what's this? You're hanging around outside her dorm IRL? That's wrong. Whether you got your answers or not you shouldn't do that. If she doesn't want to listen/reply she's under no obligation to.
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