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How do you regain trust after being cheated on

I think I don't quite understand what you mean. Everyone has relationships of all different types. Like you could have friends, family, people you have sexual attractions to and people that you have very deep emotional connections to (love). They're all relationships. They all seem to have different rules and emotions associated with them but none would be healthy if it forbid all other relationships to remain in your life. This concept of loyalty and betrayal and cheating to me feels like you're taking autonomy away from the other person. Taking away their ability to form and experience healthy relationships with other people. Maybe if you want to move on and regain trust you should be looking at it like you are two separate human beings who share a relationship with each other. Rather than one person being loyal to the other and any sign of wavering disposition is a reason to throw them in the trash.
@pareunia: There's a ridiculously large difference between cheating and "any sign of wavering disposition". Stop trying to make cheating okay. It isn't and will never be.
Cheating is never okay. If you find yourself being cheated on, just drop the person from your life.
All I can say I that one of my most rewarding relationships was one in which the guy dated me and a few of my friends at the same time. I mean we all found out at different times but none of us got mad at each other and i never hated the guy. I found it rewarding because i had great friends and somehow i felt closer to them by having the same boyfriend and i trusted the guy more because he was very caring towards all of us and we all had each other. Maybe i just see it differently.
I've regained respect and forgiveness, but trust tends to be pushing it.
Sometimes trust is not easy to have. It depends on how much the partner has hurt you or if you have trusting friends, family, or community that you are use to be able to have trust as well. You could be friends, but just don't date them again.
@pareunia: You're absolutely insane.
Once trust is gone; it's gone. Simple; Relationships cant stand without trust at the foundations. Look i don't need to go into much detail about why it wouldn't work; there are just too many variables realistically. But take it from me; i was cheated on and i tried to stick it out for 2 more years. Really fucked with my health and mental state. Just leave man, It may be hard at first; but all things are hard at first, but with time... You'll become used to it and eventually move on. i did... Now i'm getting back into shape and resuming my career choice in the armed forces. My advice; Work on yourself before you try to work it out with another person. Good-luck man.
I wouldn't know haha. It will hurt.. but i'll move on.
If you have to ask, it ain't gonna happen. You either do or you don't. Been there, done that. I tried as best as I cod to forgive and forget, but it always kind of lingered. Of course, I had a multitude of legitimate reasons as to why it did. Once trust is broken and in suxh a personal "fuck you" (ha! Irony...) kind of way, you'd have to be a god to truly forgive.
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