Light or dark side of the force
lane22 @lane22
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Light or dark side of the force
lane22 @lane22
I need to find out more on this chaotic neutral thing
Gudmoore @gudmoore
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Light or dark side of the force
Gudmoore @gudmoore
Chaotic Neutral is one of my favorite alignments because it represents complete personal freedom.
lane22 @lane22
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Light or dark side of the force
lane22 @lane22
Thanks man
xypho @xypho
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Light or dark side of the force
xypho @xypho
This account has been suspended.
lane22 @lane22
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Light or dark side of the force
lane22 @lane22
That's why i chose the dark side
**✿❀Unicorn Queen❀✿** @unicornoscope
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Light or dark side of the force
**✿❀Unicorn Queen❀✿** @unicornoscope
Sadly, I'm apparently too nice for the dark side.. T-T
lane22 @lane22
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Light or dark side of the force
lane22 @lane22
That's not something to be sad about
Max @reclaw
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Light or dark side of the force
Max @reclaw
Black robes, red light sabers. Grumpy faces, selfish thinking. Sounds like fun, I'm in!
lane22 @lane22
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Light or dark side of the force
lane22 @lane22
mr_ambig @mr_ambig
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Light or dark side of the force
mr_ambig @mr_ambig
Totally going light side. There is no choice, no moral ambiguity.
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