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how to stop

dars @dars commented on how to stop
Dec 28, 15 at 7:39pm
Some of us just want to have someone by our side,who will always be there. Maybe its that longing that makes us depressed. It could occur because you never really had "good" friends/someone who filled that position.Maybe you're not close to anyone,aka parents/siblings.Maybe that feeling started when you broke up with bf/gf who you spent everyday with. I can say that I know how you feel and I suggest you try to stay with friends. talk to them often and don't stay alone for longer than a week.
Dec 28, 15 at 8:00pm
I don't know, I honestly haven't been in a relationship in years and years but I don't really feel like I'm lonely or that I need a significant other to love. I have relationships with other people like friends, family, school mates, co-workers, etc. that keep me from feeling like that. I have goals in life that I'm working towards, I have things about myself that I'm working on fixing. I think it's really about finding a way to be comfortable and loving towards yourself.
Dec 31, 15 at 10:32am
Eh you get over it, I dealt with it after I got my shop going and now I make metal, wood, and leather products with my personal Frenchie. It also helps if you can disillusion yourself into believing that love isn't really everything, and that it is simply a hormone induced chemical reaction that influences humans to breed.
Jan 09, 16 at 12:54am
I think a lot of us have felt that way at one point or another. I've been there too. You have to understand that romantic relationships aren't what they're made out to be. Trust me, it's better to be single than to be in relationship with a person that doesn't care about you. All you need to do is just surround yourself with people who love and care for you (friends, family, etc).
Jan 09, 16 at 3:30am
One solution I've found personally is that I have become my own source of love and happiness, and that the affection of others merely amplifies what is already there. By far, I think the most important relationship one can ever have is with themselves, and it tends to show that those who truly love and appreciate themselves (In a non-narsisistic way) tend to be much happier on average, and far less toxic to be around. (Im not claiming anyone here is toxic, nor am I devaluing a perfectly human feeling of emptiness. Merely stating the answer to my own wholeness in hopes that it will be of benefit. By no means do I suspect my personal answer is the only one)
Mar 13, 16 at 5:34am
Dearest creator of the thread, give yourself some worth because you do have one. If the people around you or the person you like doesnt see your worth then please move on and dont care too much about them anymore. Stop giving the shitty feelings to yourself. It is not worth it.The people around you may greatly influence how you feel at the moment because of their unintentional dire actions,but it is not an excuse to burden yourself to feel like youre all alone and unhappy and shitty. At the end of the day, it will always be you and yourself together. So try to toughen up for yourself not for others. Im not saying you dont need friends or love ones. But before you can have those in your life, you must learn to appreciate yourself more. Or what Chocopyro said,become your own source of love and happiness.
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