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waffles @animetidds
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waffles @animetidds
I seriously got 4 5 stars within 20 standard warps... and they were ALL light cones T-T

waffles @animetidds
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waffles @animetidds
and one of them a dupe jsjajajsj

notpurple @notpurple
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notpurple @notpurple
afk on maple legends atm, debating on getting on gms but after the jett removal and potentially other non kms content being removed kinda turned off about playing or taking character progression seriously. hope they don't touch kanna, a friend of mine really worked hard on theirs and if it gets removed too I'd be really upsetting. classic mmorpg's are depressing nowadays...

Veru @verucassault
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Veru @verucassault
Waiting for my new controller to come in so I can relearn and finish AC Odyssey. Those stupid battles were killing my fingers and now I have to relearn blocks, counters, and the special moves. Ugh.

secretagentboi @secretagentboi
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secretagentboi @secretagentboi
I'm replaying origins cause I bought the dlc for it Odyssey and Valhalla

Triscuit @bob_loblaw
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Triscuit @bob_loblaw
@verucassault In my 2 playthroughs of AC Odyssey, I can say both times I breezed through it by spamming the same 3 special moves for the entire game:
Multi-shot, when fully upgraded, it friggin auto locks on 8 enemies at once and takes off around 50% of all their health in one shot. I constantly spammed this during those Athens/Spartan war battles, and when I'd get lazy taking over enemy bases. It's by far the best way to crowd control. This ability was nerfed in Valhalla.
Predator Shot, especially combined with the ability to slow down time, this skill completely breaks the Mercenary enemies that are hunting you, even the ones with a Skull icon. Even at just Level 2 it does well over 400% Hunter dmg, and after hitting them once from a distance, Mercenaries ALWAYS will just stupidly rush at you in a straight line, so you just keep using Predator Shot without any difficulty aiming. You can slaughter them before they even get to you. It's broken.
Hero Strike, whenever an enemy does manage to get close to you, this ability is pretty much OP. It sweeps virtually any enemy to the ground and stabs them for 100% of your Assassin dmg, which is absurdly high compared to Hunter and Warrior dmg since Assassin is technically meant to one-shot enemies from stealth, but Hero Strike does Assassin dmg during full melees with the added benefit of knocking the enemy to the ground.

Veru @verucassault
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Veru @verucassault
Thanks for the tips. I really was dreading it because of the battles. They were fun at first but before I had to stop they were getting really redundant. At this point I just want to finish it.

αlερh-2 @alephy
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αlερh-2 @alephy
I saw this on my timeline. I'm getting mad sekiro vibes. I'm digging it. Not yet out. Might be a day one pick up

Triscuit @bob_loblaw
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Triscuit @bob_loblaw
PS4 players using their imagination to play Phantom Blade 0

Triscuit @bob_loblaw
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Triscuit @bob_loblaw
I know Honkai Star Rail is addicting when I have zero urge to play Zelda TOTK...
Also, I've only dropped $5.00 into it so far and I'm OP
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