What game are you currently playing?
KuroK @kurok
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What game are you currently playing?
KuroK @kurok
Just got the remake of tales of vesperia gonna be a late night
ravenchan @ravenchan
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What game are you currently playing?
ravenchan @ravenchan
Cjpeach....as in the ps2 game? Did you ever play yugioh capsule colosseum? I think it was called.
Nini @mikan_kat
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What game are you currently playing?
Nini @mikan_kat
Fire Emblem: Three Houses.
uberemo @uberemo
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What game are you currently playing?
uberemo @uberemo
Red dead 2. Borderlands 3
kuroshiro_2573 @kuroshiro_2573
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What game are you currently playing?
kuroshiro_2573 @kuroshiro_2573
Biohazard 7 (that's right, I use the Japanese name for the RE games, it matches the subject matter of the series). First playthrough and somehow I don't absolutely suck at the game, of course forgiving the occasional miss when fighting molded and running around for ten minutes trying to figure out what I missed.
doctorchurchie @doctorchurchie
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What game are you currently playing?
doctorchurchie @doctorchurchie
Stardew Valley while waiting on my brother and his family to arrive for Christmas.
Laffantion @laffantion
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What game are you currently playing?
Laffantion @laffantion
Star Wars: Jedi Fallen Order
Cutting ties @theghoulieleader
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What game are you currently playing?
Cutting ties @theghoulieleader
This account has been suspended.
GranTurismoT @granturismot
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What game are you currently playing?
GranTurismoT @granturismot
Cleaning up some trophies in Far Cry 5 and chipping away at the Modern Warfare trophies. Hope to have both plats by the new year.
nuclearadiation @nuclearadiation
commented on
What game are you currently playing?
nuclearadiation @nuclearadiation
Crusader Kings 2. Haven't played it in a long while, so I'm trying to get back into it. I forgot most of the mechanics though, so it's been pretty interesting to try and re-learn everything,
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