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Online relationships?

Dec 10, 15 at 12:31pm
Nothing wrong with online relationships. Just have a plan for meeting the person eventually. Also it is definitely a must that both parties know what the other look like. I don't mean silly stuff like "wait I am the one wearing green you can find me sitting over x place at Y time..." I literally mean... Their face, their physique, perhaps even height. I am not saying it is right to be shallow, but realistically people gotta find each other physically attractive to make a relationship last. Even if the person is shy about posting pics of themselves for all to see, if you like each other, both sides should be comfortable letting the other person what they look like in private messages... Eh but I ranted a wee bit there... before I go... closing remarks! Start with befriending a person. Get to know them. Likes, dislikes, dreams and aspirations, interests. If they coincide with yours you may be a little something! :) Good luck!
definitely just get a cat like verucassault said, probably better off in the long run
Dec 10, 15 at 12:53pm
Haha Veru nailed it. Screw everything. Time to stack cats till I drown in them. Why didn't I think of that? O_o
Death by cats>>>>>>>> Sign me up
I'm a neko-cat! ouo And as for a long distance relationship, there are quite a few more obstacles that have to be passed, as have already been mentioned. People act different in real life, people don't have to be honest when they're faced to a computer screen, the distance itself, etc. However that doesn't mean in any way that it is impossible. Consider older couples (60+) who have their partner pass on. Some may move on and continue in an effort to once again have someone like them; but there are some who don't want anyone else, even if it means being alone. Now you can easily mark this fact up to "they share history" but I can equally mark that up by saying a long distance relationship may not have history, but it has a potential future. And if love can transcend the reality of death, then love can go beyond distance. In the end it comes down to you. You may be willing now, may not be, may one day be, may never be; there's lots of different ways you could think of it. But if you think you can, there are people who think so too. But if you think you can't, then don't do that to yourself. No matter what be happy and don't put yourself in a situation you'll regret. If your happiness resides in someone who is close, find close; but if you just want to find someone special, in where distance doesn't matter, there's a lot of people out there~ I know you'll find one no matter what.
I’ve had one experience with an online relationship but she eventually decided to break it off since she couldn’t handle the distance part but we still play games and talk so I didn’t really mind. Online relationships definitely aren’t for everyone but they are not impossible depends on the people who are in a long distance relationship.
One of my dearest friends just married someone who started as an online relationship! They dated online for a long time, they visited each other twice, and he eventually moved here from the UK! We live in the US. And that's not the only long distance relationship I've seen work out. I think it's rare but very possible for online relationships to be successful. I've never been in one but I think I would be willing to give it a try myself. She and the other person I know who were in long time online relationships before they were able to move and live together in person say that the transition was really natural. Like they'd been there all the time and rather than it feeling like they'd met for the first time, they felt like they were back together after being away for a while.
I'd do it just because I'm not a dog for sex or physical contact so that would not effect me at all really, especially if there's good conversation. I don't think it's for everyone though and I think people see it as a lesser form of a relationship. Kind of romantic I see it though derp
Dec 11, 15 at 2:16am
Since the realm of interaction with the other person is limited, you are put into a position where you actually get to know the person in depth. By comparison the relationships I had which started in person did not last as long. another pro...
You find out a little more about each other online i reckon, If i compare both... it's best to start online then work into it in person. People seem more open about themselves online
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