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Ladies...what are your thoughts on Virgin Males?

We're talking about the guy that refused to vote in the best MO Girl poll, which was strictly for fun, because voting for a girl wouldn't "WIN" him a date with her. He used the word "win." We're talking about the guy that has detailed specifically what he demands from a girl while saying women have to accept him as he is. And the "as is" is a guy in his 30's, living at home, without a real job, and no car... who openly admits to refusing to get a car and just relying on others for a ride so that he can buy figurines and merch. He comes into this thread and insinuates that women are snobs cuz they won't have sex with him and "give him a chance." He insinuates the same thing with employers that won't hire him for a job that he has no experience in. I do the interviews for the company I work for. If I interviewed this dude, I'd show him the door within 5 minutes. He can call me whatever names he wants as he sulks through the parking lot to the car that isn't his. We're talking about the guy that criticizes and complains about his mom, who, presumably, let's him live at home for minimal rent, if not for free. Yeah, let's coddle this type of person and tell him he's a victim in life rather than slap him with the harsh truths of reality.
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And what are these "crucial details" and the "objectifiable standpoint" that you speak of?
Isn’t male virginity like a societal thing tbh? Like it’s not like males have to pop their own cherry
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Whoa whoaaaa bruh, no need to get so serious in here. Calm down.
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Male virginity isn't merely a societal thing - it's about knowing (or not knowing) how to properly please a woman in the bedroom as well as not being selfish. That comes through knowledge and practice. My advice would be to just google the topic or maybe find somebody willing to show you the ropes. If you're asked if you're a virgin, just find a clever way of bushing off the question. Problem solved.
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