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How to Cope With Being Single?

Play otome games if your a girl sob
Find something to focus on like a hobby.
^ wahahaha!! On topic: Hi fellow MI person! I guess find a meetup. We do have an anime meet up in grand rapids that tends to watch anime movies every weekend but that's near Grand Rapids though if you live near there. Then if you are having some self image problems probably try working on it. I'm pretty sure you can do it, all you need is a little boost :D
ANGRY MASTURBATION! http://i291.photobucket.com/albums/ll287/21wq/ponies/882009__safe_pinkiepie_upvotesgalore_zpsbeka03rj.jpg
When Rob gets married @0:49 http://youtu.be/pKl9k_EzTwY
I've felt the same way in the past, so you're not alone. Honestly, romantic relationships aren't what they're cracked up to be. Sure being in a relationship is great, but you can live your life just fine without one. I realized that being single isn't all bad. Just remember that being with someone who treats you like crap is worse than being alone. So, give yourself a break and enjoy life.
Try 5 years an counting. Its not all bad since I hate cuddling an other touchy, feely, s***. Long as your not fixated on members of the opposite sex/same you'll be fine. I stay super busy. Three words, Friends With Benefits. Im too much of a goody goody for that too. But if not porns your next bet. http://i.imgur.com/mfwZlIl.gif
I had to move to florida from california a couple months after i together with this amazing girl she was someone who could open me up and get me to talk about anything, i never really had that with anyone though i made some mistakes along with the long distance tore us apart and she is not the type to forget so we will likely never be a thing again and hell yeah since then i have been lonely but its only for like five minutes maybe twice a day one time while im working and one time while i am just about to fall asleep. You just have to think about one thing, time. Human life is precious every single one, if you think about that then you realise because life is so precious and time is so precious everyone is human and by that i mean we all want love we all look at ourselves and see something that could be better even the rich beautiful models are lonely because they only get attention because of how they look or because of there money most of the time people dont make an effort to get to know them and by saying that my point is everyone is lonely unless you have someone and with knowing that then there has to be someone who will put in the time and effort to actually get to know you because they dont want to be lonely either and from there getting to know each other leads to relationships and how we deal with it in the long run while you are still lonely and single is dont waste your time get out there and keep trying like how you posted this its getting out there and letting people know hey im lonely yeah its a cry for help but thats not a bad thing it takes courage to admit you want someone or you need help and along with that get into a sport or something you can hit me i play handball and that just gets rid of all the loneliness and stress i have for basically the whole day you have to dedicate yourself to something and in the long run you will find someone everyone does its just a matter of knowing you found the right one ^^
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