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What's your zodiac sign?

Oh and very friendly and loyal although I'm personally kind of introverted ;3
Dec 06, 15 at 3:15pm
Nice! I'm technically introverted too but online I tend to talk more XD
Yes I am the same way ^.^ I find social events bleh
Dec 06, 15 at 3:27pm
I have social anxiety and just plain anxiety disorder so I just start getting overly anxious in really simple situations and I try to run from parties cause they make me so uncomfortable XD But at least online people can't judge by appearance, only by what they've seen you write so it's a little easier XD
Yes this is so true. I almost feel drained after talking to people. Especially at gatherings I get really bad anxiety sometimes to but not as bad ;3 sorry off topic xD
Dec 06, 15 at 3:38pm
Nah, it's cool! My sister is way too much like a Taurus! She is so much a Taurus that she denies it XD So stubborn!
Aww adorable I see she is a true Taurus then XD
Dec 06, 15 at 3:42pm
Oh yes, she has to fight everyone on everything because she's stubborn and thinks she's right..She doesn't back down easily XD
Yes this is true all Taurus are right didn't you get the memo? TAURUS MASTER RACE bwhahaha
Dec 06, 15 at 3:46pm
XD Sounds about right!
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