Anime fan service?
ロイ @wallace614
commented on
Anime fan service?
ロイ @wallace614
Haha I know
jet73l @jet73l
commented on
Anime fan service?
jet73l @jet73l
When it fits the plot or (if it's a comedy) comedy style, I like it. If it's gratuitous or unrealistic even for anime of that genre (for example, a harem comedy gets a huge pass, but a relatively asexual psychological thriller walks a fine line every time they try to make it sexy... and I'm not talking about Death Note), it can turn me off of a show quite quickly.
kanda92 @kanda92
commented on
Anime fan service?
kanda92 @kanda92
to me, an anime is like a dish, the story line is the actual dish, the fan service is a spice along with romance, action, and drama. you should never add too much of one thing other wise it gets boring.
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