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just broke up with someone and i feel like death

Moving in with just 2 months of dating... I don't even call guys I go out for 2 months my "boyfriend"...
...she wasn't abusing him, creepydoll... I think he meant that his girlfriend was referring herself to "fat and ugly," so more like she was abusing herself.
I think you're missing the point here; it sounds like his girlfriend was having massive self-esteem issues, not issues with him. That was what caused the downfall in this relationship.
Idek what your talking about @creepy but if you purposely did that thing where you pretend to have self esteem issues isnt that kinda unfair to the other person? I mean people with low self esteem are a handful no matter how many times you tell them the opposite of what they feel it never gets through to them....its not good enough that to you they are beautiful or whatever its still the same old thing, kinda gets annoying imo
Self esteem is important, it means self worth and has nothing to do with a pecking order. It's a thing, label or not.I guess one shouldn't be happy either? I mean, that's a label too... Had to throw in my two cents despite this becoming a derailment...
I legit dont know what your talking about @creepy i didnt say anythingg about controling you i seriously dont know how this turned around to me but whatever just forget it
I am sorry that happened I hope u feel better https://media.8ch.net/r9trip/src/1427762230875.jpg
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Self esteem is not an excuse, its the result. Anything can become a crutch, but to out right throw away words just because you can't see beyond a word, is assanine. This whole derailment is assanine... Ya know, attention seeking?
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