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can somebody help me?

i met this dude a month ago and we had sex. we arent in a relationship but he is always getting jealous over nothing. i mean the sex is good but he has already beat up 2 guys just for cat calling me. i dont know if i want to be in a relationship with him or not. I dont know how to handle it. he has said that he does not want to be in a relationship but idk. can anybody give me some advice?
Sep 20, 15 at 4:07pm
Do you like him? ._.
Sep 20, 15 at 4:12pm
Ok...So, he's jealous when he knows you two are just fuck buddies. Clearly, he wants more, do you? Sounds kind of short tempered too...
YOU HAD SEX AT 16!!!!!
Sep 20, 15 at 4:48pm
Run for the hills, at least that's what I would do. Throwing up all kinds of red flags for me
ehhh http://pa1.narvii.com/5584/25ad9a98854a562da969f3ba57e1f3d1a452a350_hq.gif
Young people these days and their sexual intercourse ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Maybe what you had was so good he doesnt wanna give it up
I don't see a point. If you like him, see what will happen. If not, get away from him. It's nothing personal afterall.
Sep 20, 15 at 6:43pm
Young people these days. Back in my time, we didn't lose our virginity until... oh wait I haven't... uh..
Tell him you're an independent young woman and you don't need him fighting all your battles for you. You're more than capable of taking care of yourself. Or something.
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