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Question for the guys

@ Harry I think it's just life problems I'm not sure @donnie You say this " -pats head- it's okay I'll push you on the swings next time"
Sep 18, 15 at 10:32pm
@Donnie: WTF I'VE NEVER SAID THAT TO YOU LOLOL but ok I'll try to talk to you about more engaging things then
i was just kidding lol
yeah, you never said that shit to him but I gotta fucking hear about it all the time on facebook, how bitches in your math class wanna stalk you and shit waiting in the lobby even though you took 30 min to talk to your professor like wtf
*grabs popcorn* And what does haruu have to say? Find out on the next episode of dragonball z
Sep 18, 15 at 11:05pm
And this thread kinda took a rather odd turn...
Sep 18, 15 at 11:06pm
@Ky: LOLOLOLOL I DIDN'T TAKE 30 MINS LOLOLOL. And it's not stalking. I think he just wanted to be friends since I said hi to him that one time. No one else talks to him/
@cecil The reason I stopped maken threads... I now remember why
It could always be worse. A clown car of rpers could roll through at any minute.
threads going off topic has always been a thing here...but now its even worse cause not only does it go off topic but we have people rp'ing in almost every thread
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