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Why is it so hardddd???

Aug 26, 15 at 8:09pm
@Cecil I honestly think she was just really sheltered or scared, Idk we've talked about it, but it was too much of the same thing over and over. @xynox Imtrying ;]
hey dude you seem to know where all the qt nerd girls are at pls send some my way no one talks to me i'm so alone
donnie i have just the girl for you...very qt very nerdy http://i1250.photobucket.com/albums/hh524/nicole16LEE/asian-asian-girl-beautiful-beauty-cute-fashion-Favimcom-97491-1.jpg
she is pretty qt and nerdy. thanks panda i'll print that picture out and talk to it. hope she responds
the picture is busy on saturdays and mondays
Hmm, I know physical contact is a reinforcement in a relationship---maybe I'm desensitized because I'm still a virgin, hue. At this point, I don't quite see the imperativeness of "it" ~T
Just stop dating or try actually approaching some high level woman, just do it and that will make you realize some interesting fun facts of the world.
Remember to call first, Donnie ~T
Aug 26, 15 at 8:36pm
Looks like an advert picture from yesstyle. I like yesstyle.
What you're username implies, you're trying but you're trying way too hard. Honestly, there's really no need to try so hard. It's a place to have fun, to meet people and talk. Just get meeting other women and eventually, you may meet someone. Just don't look like a desperate fool while you're at it.
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