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Are you happy being single.

I see being in a relationship as a distraction of my duties. So, yes, currently I'm perfectly fine being single. https://38.media.tumblr.com/03692e82e3912cfa1f10fb7b8993cde9/tumblr_mt6m5cBHBz1rqgklbo1_500.gif
Nope not that anyonr cares
Aug 06, 15 at 4:53pm
Probably. More time for self improvement. Hobbies, university, work.. I don't quite know where a boyfriend/girlfriend would fit into there. But I'm open for change if it's the right person. http://i.imgur.com/SA1HWow.gif
not right now
No, but I need to have some kind of positive connection with someone, otherwise I may as well be single for life.
Being single is so boring. I'd say i'm not very happy being single T-T relationships are where it's at
No but by having a girlfriend I could lose a large amount of time I could spend on other things. Plus I'll be getting a part-time job soon so I won't have much time between my studies, work and anime.
Aug 08, 15 at 6:58pm
There's a part of me that wants to have a relationship, because I'm jealous with my friends... But there's also a part of me that don't like to have one, because it's kind of complicated...:/
Aug 30, 15 at 11:06pm
Ideally, everyone wants to be in love. However, commitment may prove to be too difficult for some due to high expectations and eventual boredom of one another. So I say learn to love yourself and live for yourself first so that the next person is able to love you and live with you.
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