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Are you happy being single.

May 15, 16 at 10:29pm
I guess I'm okay with it, the freedom is nice but sometimes I wonder it would be nicer to share it with someone :3
I am not being happy single...I got used to it but I am not happy...being single isnt really my life style because for me theres always something or better someone important missing and I hope that this empty gap is being filled soon
Nah just kidding give me a minute ( runs to bathroom)( closes bathroom door) ( smashes head against the wall) why can't I find love( comes out of said bathroom bleeding on the head) I'm alright
its horrible at times but honestly im very clingy and i need to work on that but im also trust people to easily and ive been hurt but i dont learn my lesson
@truemandalorian, this comeback, It was soo much like me XS nyhahaha
(Cries a little) really ( blood comes out of head$
karma is an illusion for the weak
Are you saying I'm weak( head still bleeding)( huh I didn't die oh well)
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