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Hello everyone

Because you are incorrect on what you commonly do donnie. About 4 times now Ive seen you just stink the joint up with your negativity like this is supposed to be a fast track to happiness. Jeez. Anyway how was your first day bud?
Aug 01, 15 at 4:24pm
I've noticed about 8 times now people misinterpreting what I say. I'm not negative, I speak the truths of the universe because I'm god.
....yes donnie you are....anyone with choi dal dal as their profile pic is automatically on a higher level
Aug 01, 15 at 4:38pm
Welcome to le anime cave. http://orig12.deviantart.net/105f/f/2013/244/6/a/kawaii_____gif_animation__by_hanaatsuki-d6kkz18.gif
Please, enjoy your stay ^ ^ http://i.imgur.com/FSZzK8u.jpg
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