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Hello Everyone! :D Decided to go ahead and introduce myself instead of lurking in the corner even though I'm a really good creeper! Scratch that....I'm not a creeper! I'm a ninja :) Btw, my name is T. Hope to meet some really cool people and I'm sure I will!
Jul 22, 15 at 3:20pm
your not the only ninja around here http://gifsoup.com/view/182393/ninja-fail-o.gif welcome to the site hope you enjoy your stay and have fun here
The fabled pandacorn, master office ninja
If you ever need a minja mastering in office supplies, I am most certainly your girl haha!
Syrup @syrup12 commented on Heyllo!
Jul 24, 15 at 11:09am
Haha! Ninjas! I'm a pirate but we can totally be friends ;) Haha, get it? Pirates and ninjas? Ah, I kill myself haha
Haha....That did make me laugh actually!!!!
Jul 25, 15 at 10:53am
"lurking in the corner" Sorry that position is already taken by me, I sit in the corner with my laptop watching the community revolve around me o3o Welcome to MO, a community of weird people and may I say that sweater is the most amazing thing i have seen on this site since I joined @_@
Ladune @ladune commented on Heyllo!
Jul 25, 15 at 11:31am
@perrythewut define "weird" please. Imo we all just have a thing for anime... is that weird? Sure some of us are into cosplay aswell but who cares? ... i think nobody is normal.. the world would be a far less interesting place (maybe even boring) if we all were the same.
Ladune @ladune commented on Heyllo!
Jul 25, 15 at 11:42am
dont mind me too much though.. sometimes im abit too serious about things :)
Normalcy is overrated
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