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Breaking up pains?

to be very brutally honest, if the love was true on both sides, actually having the ability to be just friends AND be okay with it is an insult to the relationship you lost if you never matured to a "true love" type of point, you need to give it time and EMOTIONAL WISDOM to accept that being friends is best, and works better if it EVER feels wrong/hurts/continues to feel bad; #$%^ing listen to your feelings - - - that is your heart screaming out that either he is bad for you, and friends is ALSO bad, or it is saying that it needs time to heal, be apart from him, and search for something healthier/better/stronger for people that have never been touched by a broken heart, or have the resources to bury one, determination and willpower is enough to push through life but a completely broken heart can be nigh-impossible to heal, and can cripple your life permanently; it has taken me almost 8 years of complete depression to get over my first love, and now that i'm here, i have almost no hope of every moving on with my life (in general) Tl;DR take it from someone who has failed in taking the stubborn/headstrong path the heart has just as little control over you, as you do of your heart you both need to respect each other equally, in an odd way, it's not always just about "you" ... if that makes any sense at all <3 http://gordonator.files.wordpress.com/2010/08/kaichou02.jpg?w=640 i can't promise everything will be okay, but it can be okay right now
Jul 12, 15 at 12:42pm
@Yuki - Thank you, that advice is pretty solid and it does make sense. So thank you. I've always been a headstrong and stubborn person, which is probably why my relationships have failed. I told myself, "This next one I won't do anything to screw it up, it will work out with communication and I won't be afraid." So when it happened I decided not to overthink it and go with the flow....Which was the mistake in itself. But it'll be okay. Just in time.
:) anytime, Nekokai <3
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