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Hi, hello, konnichiwa!? ^-^

Heeey! Let me start off by saying i'm really glad and super excited for having found MaiOtaku, from the little i've explored it seems like my kind of place. Of course, like all of you i greatly enjoy anime and manga, so i'm very happy and look forward to being surrounded by my kind of people! :P I don't have the privilege to be able to share the experiences and stories that come from watching/reading anime/manga with my friends as they either don't know what it is or are not interested so it is amazing to join a community like this. Anyway, keeping it short, i look forward to meeting you all and creating great and amazing friendships so don't hesitate to contact me if you wish. I'd love to get to know you all if possible!
Hello, Welcome to MO, I am MO's official vampire and wish you a pleasant stay.
darn it leo you beat me to it first oh well we can both welcome him https://classicbutnew.files.wordpress.com/2015/04/toradora-7.gif?w=676 hi hello welcome to the site hope you enjoy your stay and have fun here
Haha, maybe next time :P -Thank! -You!
Welcome to Maiotaku! http://media.giphy.com/media/kjhTSqAjXxoOY/giphy.gif Enjoy your stay!
Thank youu, Nikita I plan to :D
Jul 02, 15 at 7:07am
Welcomeeeeew hope you enjoy your stay :3
I am Jezh, i am! x] Thank you!
Jul 02, 15 at 3:36pm
Anya time!!
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