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Hi there!

Jun 23, 15 at 10:22am
yaaaaaay a new member i'll do a dance for you since you joined http://i.kinja-img.com/gawker-media/image/upload/s--s0fg6Ppa--/c6p2yhbvdnznv0tivvtx.gif anyway welcome to the site hope you enjoy your stay and have fun here
Thanks! It seems like a good community. Missing some things that would be nice, but not bad.
Jun 23, 15 at 10:28am
lol yeah i agree XD what sort of things exactly?
Well, for one thing, I'd be great to have a search on the forums. Navigation is a little awkward. Searching profiles returns a limited result, forcing me to go state by state to see the most matches. And it seems like a lot of people sign up and then disappear and/or are already taken. Which in and of itself isn't a bad thing, but that could also be a search parameter - last active, or filter results to only single. Sorry, I'm a computer programmer and professor of computer science. I could go on for another hour. =p I do like it, though, and it's tough for me to meet people who like what I do. Hoping maybe this site will help. :)
Jun 23, 15 at 10:49am
you can search by last active but thats one of the premium user benefits, i agree the site could be better i think lol i dont really see much of the site owner these days
Jun 23, 15 at 12:59pm
Hello, Welcome to MO, I am the official vampire of MO, and wish you an awesome stay.
We have an official vampire? Cool. But I eat tons of garlic, so don't try to bite me. =^.^=
Dstapp @dstapp commented on Hi there!
Jun 23, 15 at 10:27pm
Dstapp Here second day and getting the idea how things are runned here its almost like a blog information moves but not flowing chatter. How is everyone?
Good. This is my first day here. It seems like a good community.
Risen @risen132 commented on Hi there!
Jun 23, 15 at 11:17pm
Welcome to the site, enjoy your stay here.
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