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It's been a while so

help me with this little mama. So, there's this sweet Asian chick at the gas station; just started working there, my age and everything. She's purty. Anyway, we got to talkin the other day and I found her really smoking. I mean smoking as in nice smile, looks like a sweetheart; I'm no perv. Anyway, I'm going to wing it and just ask her for her number and a date: just like that. Any advice? I haven't really hit on a girl in years..... my question is: should I work into it? You know, what a little after chatting her up a few times? This was the first and only time I've seen her. I'm going to wing it regardless of your answers, I'm just interested and I'd like to think aboout them after the deed is done
Jun 19, 15 at 8:15pm
Asian? Man that's tough. I could help if she were Latina and her name is potentially Lupé... Not sure about Asian girls.
Jun 19, 15 at 8:25pm
Hmm....I'd go with Chinese food.
Jun 19, 15 at 9:20pm
Just sing "Be a man" in your head and do the deed. Remember, he who hesitates is lost.
Jun 19, 15 at 9:35pm
No no...He who hesitates, masturbates.
Watch the way I masturbate, hahahaha
Lmao you guys are no help XD just ask her man but dont just come straight out like oh my god can i have your number cause your sexy ¬ ¬ if that actually works though...anyway just be nice initiate a convo and like ease into it give a dumb excuse or something why you need her number if she declines well bad luck i guess lol i tried
Sing a song to her. That always works for me
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