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The Death of the vampires Pride

I am your little prince, I actually get some teasing affectionate joy from it whenever you call me that, whenever you call me any of your petnames, I blush like the stupid halfbreed vampire I am, Which can halfbreeds blush? Not the point. I want to always hug or snuggle, or basically hide away from the world. So yes I am your little prince, Your stupid idiot and your my fangs are only for you. I will never want to come to this place ever again, but as we know, Official vampire so I can't leave hahahaha. But you know What I DON'T CARE. Vampire's have Pride Dammit! And I'll say this with pride. I love you~, Leia, with all the half heart vampire( Do all normal vampires have hearts?) that I have, Actually let's just full. And I'm sorry. And you know What I'm not afraid to say It! Good night MaiOtaku! https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/58/17/51/5817514a84fce751c08695f7f8e67ca8.jpg
I'm confuse... What's going on? :/
Sounds like a confession/goodbye letter to Leia (whomever that is) and maiotaku.
Don't worry about it.... Just killing my pride is all hahaha...
Yeah that's her hahahaha.
How adorable LEO X Leia Such love is heart warming.
Lol relationship goals: Leia and leo status
I ship Leo and Leia as canon matesprits! :D http://media.giphy.com/media/QqNO9tegtFAwE/giphy.gif
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