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Jun 07, 15 at 2:55pm
Greetings all. I seem to have found my way onto this site of yours. I come to you all in search of new friendship. I have a life fairly empty of social connections and would like to change that. Just looking for some people that share interests to chat with. I'm an "artist", "musician", a gamer, and a geek. I have sone fairly crippling anxiety and it makes it hard to meet new people and it follows me online. A place where anonymity and a virtual veil should eliminate that, it unfortunately does not. Anywho, enough of that non sense! Hope to make some new chat buddies and all that fun stuff. Have a great day!
Jun 07, 15 at 3:04pm
Hello, Welcome to MO! I am MO's Official vampire and wish you a pleasant stay. Don't worry almost everyone here is a geek or gamer, usually both. So you should get along quite nicely here hahahaha.
Jun 07, 15 at 3:50pm
^ forget this guy im the official vampire of MO jk jk im the site mascot by unanimous vote (only one to vote) anyway welcome to the site hope you enjoy your stay and have fun here
PixelBard @ez2oo2 commented on Howdy!
Jun 07, 15 at 4:38pm
Haha well its good to hear that I've found fellow geeks. And thanks for the warm welcome so far!
Veru @verucassault commented on Howdy!
Jun 07, 15 at 4:39pm
http://static.tumblr.com/34e240b35d1c5b37e57a78f3ba7b9018/67wpulj/ZPLn0ngca/tumblr_static_tumblr_mzo2r8qeyg1tqucwno1_500.gif Welcome
Jun 07, 15 at 5:39pm
Please, enjoy your stay ^ ^ http://i.imgur.com/FSZzK8u.jpg
PixelBard @ez2oo2 commented on Howdy!
Jun 07, 15 at 10:42pm
Again thanks for the introductions! Now to see if I can keep up the social courage and start moseying my way into some conversations with you fine people and not revert back into my hole!
Veru @verucassault commented on Howdy!
Jun 07, 15 at 11:22pm
We have ways of pulling people out of holes.. http://media.giphy.com/media/2Z1ScKT6sNU7S/giphy.gif
PixelBard @ez2oo2 commented on Howdy!
Jun 08, 15 at 9:33am
I feel this is an appropriate response to that. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v708/AshfieldGray/snoo-snoo.gif
Voli @voli commented on Howdy!
Jun 08, 15 at 7:04pm
Hey ^^ welcome to MO... It should be ez here because everyone is pretty open and easy to talk to... The community is so calm as well :3 makes me sleepy sometimes... add people up who have the same interests as you ^^ gl with new friends and all that fun stuff
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