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@god help me get a gf

Jun 06, 15 at 11:31am
when will my pepe gf come
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Hai hai kami-sama reporting in tell me your desires and i will try my best http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-HF4Eie5esGc/Us2qn8gZ66I/AAAAAAAAAt4/9LG6foPQ4H8/s1600/yato.png Welcome to the site hope you enjoy your stay and have fun here...hope you find what your looking for
Jun 06, 15 at 1:28pm
Welcome to MaiOtaku! :D
Jun 06, 15 at 2:35pm
hey ram ^^ i take it youre not new... well be nice to the gals around and one of might show interest :3 maybe to to anime conventions and some gals out ^^ they might have the same interests as you and all...
A lot of pretty ladies around here Ram, get minglin' :D
Jun 06, 15 at 4:40pm
"Here speaks GoD: Go out of yourself and try your luck"
Jun 06, 15 at 7:03pm
O_o.... Please no sacrificial lambs. We only do that on every third Saturday before the cleansing rains come. We like clean floors here.
I might need another lamb .-. I keep breaking mine
Jun 06, 15 at 7:21pm
http://fc09.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2010/300/2/2/cute_sheep_by_jacob_black_rox-d31lt72.png One lamb for you, one lamb for you, four lambs for Glenn Coco! You go Glenn Coco! And no lambs for Gretchen Weiners.
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