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My dream girl don't exist.. any help?

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Well im just saying lol what if we all were destined to be with someone you know like everyone had a soul mate just they probably died before you guys could meet...you never know lol hope that isnt the case though
I got mine but turned into a nightmare
Thought i found mine buuuuuut i couldn't have been more wrong
It weird u think u finaly find them and its far from true
i been trying to find mine for 6 years
Haha yeah like they seem so perfect and then like you start to notice everything that was wrong with them and its like this isnt my dream girl....well damn
Mine was evil u
Wouldnt say mine was evil just she wasnt the angel i made her out to be you know? She often ignored me alot and got mad or upset with me for simple things there were many times where i wish i could tell her about herself but if i did that she probably would ignore me for like a week
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