
BrokenHeartGoddess @brokenheartgoddess
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BrokenHeartGoddess @brokenheartgoddess
(trying to make my self feel better)
0(. .)0 cow <3
(. .)
o moo

BrokenHeartGoddess @brokenheartgoddess
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BrokenHeartGoddess @brokenheartgoddess
sigh :( my cow did not turn out right like my life

ichigotom @ichigotom
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ichigotom @ichigotom
Like panda says, confidence in oneself goes along way in both lifting urself up after ur hearts broken as well as just living life in general. U cant be so hard on urself after having ur heart broken. All wounds take time to heal and whenever something is broken, it can always be mended.
Take it from me, i've had some bad relationships as well, one girl died in the worst possible of ways, a couple girls before that never really went anywhere, and my most recent one was about the most childish and backwards thinking chick out there. U just gotta get back on ur feet and try, try again. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, trust me the last girl i loved, the immature one, thought she herself was fat and ugly, i saw her as a raven haired goddess who had a body that would make a man's head spin XD, i know it did mine and she wasnt fat in the least.

ichigotom @ichigotom
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ichigotom @ichigotom
Maybe u post a pic and let the people be the judge of what they think, who knows u could be the hottest chick to light up the internet :O. Lol i got a couple on my page, i dont think im the sexiest man alive or anything but i dont think im the worst thing to look at either ^^.
Shit happens in life, people will come and go, some once in a lifetime encounters and others stick with u til the very end. U just need to keep going forward and dont let life and the bs that can come with it drag u down. Be proud of who u are, flaunt what u got, and show the world who u are and what ur about.
U can mend a broken heart over time, almost seven billion people in the world and some cool people from what ive seen thus far, ur soul mate might just be around the corner, u just gotta look. Thats what im doing :). Oh and this is what he is talking about: Tis free and i use it all the time to talk with people ive met all around the country, and all i got right now is the net from my phone XD

BrokenHeartGoddess @brokenheartgoddess
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BrokenHeartGoddess @brokenheartgoddess
well I actually am I was told hundreds of times when I was made fun of at school I too am like what you said about your ex I know because that was one of the many reasons why my ex broke up with me...
question "did u brake up with her or did she brake up with u?"
if you don't mind me asking....

BrokenHeartGoddess @brokenheartgoddess
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BrokenHeartGoddess @brokenheartgoddess
yes I do have a pic of me in the pic thing... eh my camra sux and I can't smile good so XP

ichigotom @ichigotom
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ichigotom @ichigotom
Ooh u is cute :3 and u shouldnt belittle urself so much u know, its not good for the soul. And most people from my experiences anyway when people tend to make fun of others, they're usually trying to cover up their own shortcomings in order to and make themselves feel superior and better than everyone else. In truth alot of times, they themselves dont like who they are, ive known a few in my time.
I was also made fun of in school as well cus i was the shy quiet nerdy type lol, more of an outsider who didnt really care to fit in with the other idiots that surrounded me. Ur ex sounds kind of superficial, not to be rude or anything, to me, i dont know call it a feeling or a sixth sense, i just get that vibe is all.
No i dont mind she dumped me, or rather pretty much called me a freak who no one could like, called our relationship a joke, admitted to doing some "undignified things" behind my back, and admitted to it being nothing but a scam on her part.
She was immature and acted like a child who confused love for what u feel for a friend, how u do that still racks my brain to this day. Im over and done with it, i learned my lesson and came out better on the other side. Lol and fyi, u should learn to smile more, a good smile makes a girl even more pretty, well in my book anyway hehe

BrokenHeartGoddess @brokenheartgoddess
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BrokenHeartGoddess @brokenheartgoddess
no he had his problems its complicating and my fault idk thank you for the cute comment ^.^ also I was his first and I hate to say this but he is a little special... also I think I was too clingy and well I said I'm paranoid and very jalousie... -.-

ichigotom @ichigotom
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ichigotom @ichigotom
Lol ur welcome, like i tell everyone "i only calls em likes i sees em". Every relationship i've been in thus far had complications and difficulties out the ass. I mean i know i am not the best person when it comes to girls or for that fact relationships in general. The last girl i would talk to was childish, indecisive, and immature among some other things. I mean she played housewife for her family, cleaning up after them cus apparently they were incapable of doing that for themselves or were just straight up lazy.
She took care of her siblings like they were her own kids and i mean i told her all the time "when we have kids, u are gonna be an amazing mother." She laughed at that and said "not any time soon though." She was probably aside from the girl who ended up losing her life in the worst kind of way, someone i thought i had one hell of a future planned out with.
U trudge little by little, getting to know each other, talking all hours of the day and night, and in the end come to find out it was all a big freakin joke. I to after she dumped me like yesterday's garbage thought it was all my fault, i mean when we argued i know i said some things that i still regret saying after all the stuff she said she thought about us from the beginning, to all the stuff she did, and looking down on me calling me a freak not knowing how to deal with women, someone no one could ever like, and pretty much just a joke all around.

ichigotom @ichigotom
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ichigotom @ichigotom
I thought from the beginning i tried to hard or i didnt try enough, i didnt show her enough love or i just wasnt good enough overall as a man. Well i know better now, it wasnt me from the start, it was her and her so called not being able to decipher the difference between what love for ur significant other is and what u feel for a friend. That and she never felt anything for me to begin with, scam of a lifetime.
I know that when it comes to ur first love, u think there isnt a person alive who can ever replace them or live up to who u saw them as. But believe me, that shit aint nothing but straight up bull. The girl who died was more of a woman than those two combined in pretty much every facet. I mean the third girl was i thought an amazing woman in her own rite despite some flaws, which i thought with time she could change and grow out of, but hey once an immature moody chick, i guess always one in her case -_-.
You'll find someone better if u can find it in urself to move forward, feeling sorry for urself and drowning in misery wont get u anywhere in life hon, take it from a guy who calls misery his best friend almost daily lol. If u see flaws in urself, fix em, if u think ur to clingy, learn to give and take when it comes to ur and his space, if u think ur to jealous, then u have to learn to have faith in that person and trust in them, relationships are the biggest gamble in life, ur tossing the dice out and betting on that person with all u got, sometimes it doesnt work out, but its a roulette and that shit happens.
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