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Be Weary of Con Girls

They'res crazies everywhere you go pretty much.
I wholeheartedly agree, dude. If I had my V-Card punched, I know I probably shouldn't "stick my dick in crazy" but I'll choose to do so regardless.
May 29, 15 at 11:59pm
Thank you for the kind advice, friend. It's been a really long time since I've even talked to a girl in real life or even on the phone or skype or anything. I'm planning to go to a con with my friend in a few months and this thread will help me prepare for whatever may threaten me.
May 30, 15 at 5:02pm
Don't go too crazy. Remember what happened to Neil Patrick Harris in Gone Girl. Irony~
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Jun 10, 15 at 1:06pm
Con girls and boys have a chance at a convention and go crazy and chuck morality and sense out the window for one fact that they might never see any of these people again. So yeah, be careful. ~T
What a funny thread xD If they like that stuff, they should be allowed to do it; If you don't like it, don't do it. Sounds funny though. I've never been to a Con, but the things I hear are definitely varied.
Jun 11, 15 at 2:42pm
Wait, I forgot the point of the post, we are supposed to be weary because some people at cons are crazy, right? ~T
Jun 11, 15 at 8:28pm
From my experience, most girls don't go to cons looking to specifically get laid or find a bf. I'm sure some do, but for the most part, they're to hyped up on the experience of cosplaying and wasting time with friends at panels, etc.
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