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Is older anime better than todays anime?

Give me your opinion on anime from today and yesterday and prove when was anime the best.
Honestly the anime of today is more focused on fan service than story line. You might get a few good series here an there but thats all. Id say around year 2003 to 2007. Only because I cant stand watching the animation from older titles. But some I still watch would be like ranma 1/2, cowboy bebop, and rurouni kenshin.
Yeah the newer anime doesn't appeal to me as much as other older anime
For me the older anime was alot better but I do like some of the newer animes
I like the new anime only if it pleases my taste, has good art, good story/ending, and some anime doesn't even really end at all, they kinda leave cliffhangers all the time and never finish which makes you wanna buy the manga to finish the actual story and that's how they make money off you. Pull you in with the anime then let's you buy the manga.
Ehhhh...Debatable. We had a lot of crap back then too, though sometimes even the crap was better than what comes out today. I think the main advantage of old anime over new was that a lot of older stuff had a lot of creative passion behind it, while so much of today's anime is just this market-approved crap. Hell, I'm pretty sure we're still dealing with the "everything looks like K-On" era that I god damn despise. You know the ones, they all have the same damn face with those damn chipmunk teeth and I want to douse them in napalm. For me, I think the biggest complaint is that we have way too much slice-of-life-moe-girls-eating-cake anime and not enough of the crazy sci-fi or fantasy the 80's and 90's were known for. Do you know how hard it is to be a super robot fan nowadays? There hasn't been a high-quality super robot show since Gurren Lagann. It's why shows like Gurren Lagann, Attack on Titan, and Kill la Kill make such a splash, because they're such creative ideas among such a bland, samey flood of junk.
I know and I just want an anime to not follow the cliche other anime also follow
Well it's hard to be original now and days but.. Badicly older amines are better but quality and sometimes voice acting wise I suggest newer but other I prefer both no lower then 1995
Yeah I guess I can agree on you there
I prefer newer anime. For me, it's about style and art. I've found trying to watch older anime to be difficult because I cannot get over how basic everything looks. I gritted my teeth and finally finished Inuyasha this year after starting it in my teens and making it halfway. I would say anything older than it would give me an aneurism. 8/
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