Your first kiss

Jet @jetzain
Your first kiss
Jet @jetzain
Howdy everybody
I was just wondering how was your first kiss experience
So if you would like to share that I'll appreciate it from the bottom of my heart
To me was when I was 15 years old normal
Day when this girl from another class came said Jetzain where is Jetzain I said that's me how can I help you
Tell Karla I accomplish my task she is about to kiss because I confess my love
I said this is a joke
The. the most popular girl from my classroom came to me and I said Jetzain I want to kiss a
I said what fuck you must be joking
And what do I have to do with this
I know it was just a bit
But I wasn't bad looking guy
I refused the first time because that would be my first kiss until I decided to give the chance the most beautiful girl I my classroom
And I got to times I didn't feel anything special

crimsonsun2xseries @crimsonsun2xseries
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Your first kiss
crimsonsun2xseries @crimsonsun2xseries
Ahh, my first kiss, god bless you, Jetzain! lol making me recall these times xD
Well, it was in Brasil, when I was turning 13 or I was 13 already, don't remember.
So, there was this girl I really liked, we'll call her F. Then there was another whom I knew liked me, but she was really aggressive and I wasn't that kind of lad, yet. We'll call her T.
We were at school and T and I went for a walk instead of class to get some ice cream and we came back during recess and she led me to the parking lot (lmao) and she just pulled me down beside a car and she's like, "Jack, do you like me?" I didn't know much portuguese then, so I'm trying to say "Yeah, sure, you're cool" and she's just like "ah, fuck it, open up your mouth" So, I'm kissing her, not so well, I should add, because she keeps on making gestures for me to open my mouth and use my tongue xD" I finally got it down and then I come back to class with every student giving me the stink-eye and poor F is crying her eyes out! I felt terrible, and I thought I would get beat up because F is very well-liked and T had a muscular boyfriend. It was funny though because I didn't like the guy and they gave him "the horns." Kinda looks like this --> \m/ on the forehead; just means your partner is fooling around and you have been thoroughly disgraced xD

LaughingBATMAN_dD @laughingman_dd
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Your first kiss
LaughingBATMAN_dD @laughingman_dd
This account has been suspended.

Jet @jetzain
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Your first kiss
Jet @jetzain
Wow that's a great a story even I feel sorry for F hopefully no body beat you man thanks for sharing a part of your story of your first kiss
Don't worry you will get it for sure one day, but it is good to hear those experience so you might get or not get in that situation

crimsonsun2xseries @crimsonsun2xseries
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Your first kiss
crimsonsun2xseries @crimsonsun2xseries
^^ I agree. I was flushed with embarressment for being told to open up my mouth lmao; My advice for when it comes along is don't hold back! :p
+ Jetzain, np :) I always enjoy recalling my childhood :3

anon @otakujt
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Your first kiss
anon @otakujt
Weird, because my first kiss was with a girl in the future too. lol

Neko-chi™ @yunoxyukki
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Your first kiss
Neko-chi™ @yunoxyukki
Dont mind me just passing by :")

Ichirai_Shonin @ichirai_shonin
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Your first kiss
Ichirai_Shonin @ichirai_shonin
I had my first kiss stolen...
By a dog... Wasn't much a puppy, but wasn't an adult... It literally went french on me...

darkhorse @darkhorse
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Your first kiss
darkhorse @darkhorse
My first kiss was with an otaku girl when I was 15 in the basement of our library. We later had anal sex in the same place, but that's another story for another day. Wait, I told it lol

Holo chan @holochan
commented on
Your first kiss
Holo chan @holochan
Mines actually from a dog too! And my leg got humped by dogs serveral times XD
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