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new here, just gonna try it out.

Hey everyone, pretty much just decided to try this out as its pretty hard to fine people into the same stuff. friendships are cool, I can honestly talk to anyone but I honestly would like to find something more. so you can feel free to talk to me about anything.
May 18, 15 at 9:47am
Hello!!! Welcome to the site!
awh well thankyou! Hope your day is going well!
Welcome to the site kristi hope you enjoy your stay and have fun here ^^ http://i50.tinypic.com/2wrdkes.gif
That is one of the cutest gifs, omfg. ill definitely try to have fun, just seems to not have a lot of recent users, or is it just me?
May 18, 15 at 9:58am
It differs on the week. Sometimes a lot of new people come in and sometimes it's slow.
Yeah its pretty slow here atm XD not alot of people remain active lol but im here all the time, you'll probably see me alot on the forums
yeahh i've noticed that. ive looked at a few threads on here so far. not much really new. ill probably stick around for a while and take a look at other websites like this.
Yeah well anyway welcome lol and i look forward to seeing you on the forums if you decide to stay XD
oh I will! i just enjoy talking to people
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