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I want a girlfriend

Even though I met a guy on here and was raped by him which i wasnt 100% sure if i should have mentioned it which is why i didnt at first (but decided to go ahead with it) Im in no way giving up on relationships nor do I think ALL guys will do that. I know relationships take time especially serious ones. I took a chance on a few people on here and it didn't work out. Wish it had but it just didnt. I don't just go to someone and say "date me!" Most guys I talk too outside of this site, (which I talk to them for a while like 3 months on here and then see if they're willing to talk like on Facebook, Skype or an app and if they are, we move on to that) only seem to care about sex. Do I like being on top? What's my favorite position? And here I am asking what's your favorite music or color. What new anime have you seen. Stuff like that. If it happens, it happens. I'm not giving up, just taking the snail road.
Awwww poor serah im sorry that happened to you i hope your ok, i mean im sure that must've been traumatizing :( if i could help you in anyway im here for you :)
I've been single my whole life (Still never got my first kiss.... I feel like a loser with no GAME in this business)
Oh shit Serah... that's fucked up... Sorry that happened
And somehow all these "white knights" dont surprise me. There are some seriously immature/sick people in this world and even more so online. I assure you and it seems you know, there are plenty of genuinely caring people out there, but unfortunately those who aren't seem to be the loudest and over shadow those who are.
Thanks everyone. I'm not letting it get to me. Taking things slow.
Keep doing your thing guuurl and keep staying strong, you'll find the "one", one day and he'll be amazing probably.
Lol your not the only one @ghetto still never got mine...no game whatsoever lol
@ghetto an panda Y'all will get it one day, and sometimes it's no game required
Better pray for a girl that has more game than all of us here XD
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