Toonami Love or Hate
Namani @namaniiamani
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Toonami Love or Hate
Namani @namaniiamani
Toonami was life back in the day and it still is.
bluesho @bluesho
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Toonami Love or Hate
bluesho @bluesho
I used to love Toonami back in the day. It was the only place to go for my anime fix. But with streaming sites and DVDs I kinda don't have a use for it. I don't have cable anymore anyhow.
kallsu @kallsu
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Toonami Love or Hate
kallsu @kallsu
I don't have cable either, most of the stuff on it sux and anything good that was on it I can usually just buy the dvd :D
As for Toonami I don't like it as they often edit stuff for tv viewing, or at least they did back when I had cable. And toonami never aired the Hotsprings episode of Outlaw Star.
Disconnect @tyler_disconnect
commented on
Toonami Love or Hate
Disconnect @tyler_disconnect
Toonami is a definite love I remember so many things from that channel nostalgia feels man.
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