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How to approach "Asian" women?

And as much as I get called the "n" word for beating people on online games or just posting a comment on the wrong side of the interwebs, if I can just brush that off, I think you will be ok. And i know someone is about to hop on that soap box and lecture me. Don't bother because I won't take it serious. I know I sound like a real ass righe now, but hey.
"As long as I can deal with it, you can too" smh
Apr 29, 15 at 11:36am
yeah. as long as you know you sound like an ass then i totally agree and im out of this chat. bye!
Meh... Tis better to show your true colors than to lie and sugar coat bull shit. But, we must remember tact, my freind. Tact.
I'll just keep my humor between me and my friends
Apr 29, 15 at 2:43pm
I accept your apology, no worries.
Apr 29, 15 at 4:26pm
Asian women aren't just women, they're asian. Chopsticks, "senpai/kohai", and asian food are how you bag 'em. Jk jk, but asian women are just like ANY other women you see in your daily life. No need to treat them like they're aliens or anything. Just saying...
Might be easier to try with one that isn't too much into "muh home culture" BS, there are some asian cultures that shame their kids if they're dating a non-asian person. And there's also the "I only date my race" mentality, but you won't find out both if you don't try out first
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