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Apr 07, 15 at 9:08pm
i wonder, did ugg have to find a mate that liked cave paintings? It's been covered, but one does not need a specific interest met unless that interest takes precedence in ones life above all else, including ones potential mate. So what if she didn't care for anime? What if your personalities meshed on a much deeper level? Would you reject them simply because they didn't like anime? I mean, you're truly limiting yourself. If that's truly what you want to do, don't complain about the slim pickings. That's not to say that you should be desperate for just anyone, but be open to see where things might go. I like anime, but my girlfriend of almost two years ( and living together for all that time too) couldn't care less about it. Do i care? Nope, because i can still enjoy it and we both still enjoy many other things together. My point is, don't just look for those who like anime.
Apr 07, 15 at 10:17pm
@kanekiken91 If that's how you really think, then I hope you don't find anyone until you grow up a little more. You're being close minded.
Being honest, i dont really know where all those comments are going. I asked, where i can find those girls who actually like Anime/Manga, since where I live arent any - wherever I go. Im not a person who sits in my room 24/7. Even the girl I fell in love for 5 years absolutely hated Anime/Manga stuff. Im not saying that they have to be Otaku or Anime fanatics. It is just that Manga/Anime is my favourite hobby and I would like to know some GIRLS who share this hobby with me, since Ive always been better with girls. @Chain of Command If you couldnt see the troll in my comment there, Im sorry.
Apr 08, 15 at 11:30am
@kanekiken91 Welp. The people of this site know that I could have just spent a few minutes and find something smart to completely rebuke your argument... but why bother? You already made a fool out of yourself by calling yourself a troll. Slow claps to you kiddo, you've earned them.
@The Key to Your Lock Why bother talking back anyways? "Kiddo".
Apr 08, 15 at 5:05pm
Ah. He ran away. That's some true despair right there. :P
Wait, was this guy a troll? :/
Apr 08, 15 at 6:03pm
Locke y are you being mean to people on the interweb again ?
Apr 08, 15 at 8:21pm
@Captain Fancycosplayer: No, he posted a comment about how "She has to like it", and people commented on it as if he meant it. He's saying that specific comment was a troll.
Apr 08, 15 at 9:20pm
I'm not being mean I'm being honest. Though why comment any further when the perpetrator ran away with his tail between his legs...
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