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What you wish you knew

Mar 28, 15 at 7:54pm
Hello Peeps I've heard a lot of people get out of good or bad relationships saying I wish I knew to do that, say that or it would be that way etc. I was just wanted to see if you have any advice you would like to pass on to someone trying to find or are currently in a relationship. Who knows you might end up helping out a couple or just some one that's not that experienced c:
this topic is awesome X3
Well, I wish I knew that I could hang out with my guy friends and my girl friends equally. Focusing only on the person I was in a relationship with made me rather clingy and sorta grew distant from my other friends. TO ALL GUYS LOOKING FOR A RELATIONSHIP: Also look for a group of friends to hang out with often. Maybe have a guys night or something so that you don't feel so attached to your partner. And keep the two relationships separate. This might sound mean, but don't invite your partner to the group more then once in a while. Trust me.
Mar 28, 15 at 10:53pm
I'd never do that. Too awkward.
Mar 29, 15 at 5:09am
I already said a bit in the long distance relationship thread. If you're going into a LDR, one of you better has the money in the long run to make it come true. Other things, be with who you really want to be and TREASURE that person. You'll never find anyone quite like them and it'll eat you inside out if you ruin it all with someone you cared about. Even if they think nothing of you... http://i.imgur.com/ePcVIaum.jpg Oh yeah, don't go with someone that'll "make-do", you can take it for granted that relationship will burn out sooner or later.
Mar 29, 15 at 12:15pm
Do not go through with something you consider life-changing without being 100% sure. (I regret many things) Always consider your own feelings just as much as you consider their feelings. (I sacrificed my happiness to please them) Always communicate any feelings, positive or negative. (All of the failed relationships I see among friends had to do with a lack of communication. Not being honest to each other or too scared to displease the other.)
If you are in a relation ship or getting into one there are some basic rules everyone must follow there is no guidebook so let me tell you how to avoid a terrible relationship Do not become a yandere like person honestly if that is what you like fine but respect your partner, Everyone knows not to cheat so yeah dont do it Like kohagura said consider yours and their feelings Like ventornado said make sure there is a group of friends you can hangout with Do not make dates everyday or every two days make sure its like once a week or two weeks make sure that when you see each other its not all the time also do not avoid them like dodging calls and shit like that they will feel hurt and betrayed one more thing if you are in school or something and you see each other all the time make sure not to get distracted by them you need to concentrate on improving you and not your relationship if its good fine make sure its good do studying together or walk to and from school together. These are somethings you might wanna take into consideration i myself broke up with my girlfriend last year and these were things i knew would help inprove my relationship mostly because a few of my friends told me this stuff so good luck everyone if i haven't helped oh well i tried to help
Mar 29, 15 at 12:35pm
Another thing I forgot to add is to pay attention to your old relationships with friends. Don't ditch them, and introduce each other. If anything, he/she should have been in your friend group to begin with. If your friends and bf/gf don't like each other, it's not going to work out very well. Both will want to take you away from the other. In worst case, you'll end up losing both the lover AND friends, and be alone. So I advise to be sure your potential lover is someone you and your friends can all get along with.
Ok just a bit if your friends don't like your partner or even make an effort to coexist with them they are not your close friends to begin with and if your partner doesn't do the same he/she is not willing to adapt to your lifestyle so dropped them all and get real friends and bf or gf
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