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Best Location to find a Girl Friend

Don't go to where you think girls will be. Go to where you want to be. Do things you're interested in doing. That is how you find a girlfriend - do things you like, and you'll find someone who likes doing the same things as you. There's no use going to a mall or out clubbing to find a girl if that isn't something you're interested in. If you like books, join a book club, go to a book shop or the library, if you like games I guess a game shop or an arcade of some sort.
Mar 24, 15 at 5:55pm
Girls aren't fucking potatoes! You're not gonna "find" them as if you were going to the supermarket!
@ key Are you sure? http://otakumeme.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/10/554338_427402587323281_494772439_n-600x480.jpg
Mar 24, 15 at 6:24pm
Read the mood. I ain't joking here.
I dunno dude, the mall possibly? Tons of girls there if you didn't know. It isn't a secret or anything. More options are: parks (local parks and amusement), colleges, beaches, clothing shops, and etc.
College Or try the Marine thing that is 100% going to work
I'm a woman, and I can tell you the Marine thing is not going to work 100% ¬ ¬ You're more likely to get a fling/one night stand for that, and if that's what you want just go to a club and get wasted.
^ Oohhh you meant a relationship! Nvm then ;)
Well said, Manga_bird, at the previous post of yours. Because, after all, you can't spell girlfriend without friend. http://i.imgur.com/kU7fzsf.jpg?1[/img]
I would try a library, or find some kind of club related to a hobby like Manga_bird suggested
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