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Best Location to find a Girl Friend

Heya, I'm currently 18 (senior in high school) and I was wondering where should I go to look for someone who's interested in a relationship. I am waaaay out of touch with todays teens, so I'm sorta clueless about the relationship stuff... Like where do I go to flirt, or even how to flirt O.o Unfortunately, most people at my school are already taken due to Prom being around the corner ._. Anyone have any suggestions/tips? Thanks a bunch!
Are you planning on kidnapping such girl otherwise you got to give me more to work with
*cries*Why do we have so many of these topics? WHY?
become a marine. =D women will come to you.
Join a gym, take a dance class (not like ballet lol), and /or think of a subject you want to increase your knowledge in and then hit up the library. You just might find someone there.
Go to parties. It's always the best way to meet new people :)
You could just be like me when I was a senior in high-school, I had really well done poofy scene hair & girls just flocked to my Facebook, watch out though, the guys will want to kill you :p Skip parties for sure if you're out of touch with today's teens, you seem very mature, parties nowadays are actually dangerous what with rampant unprotected sex & drug abuse, been there, not fun.
I've been to parties before. Even had one. Well, dunno if you would call them parties nowadays. Not more then 10 people at any of them. Granted, two were college parties.
I agree with reisudo. Join the marines, b#tches love marines. Problem solved.
@kc watz Key word in sentence "bitches" ... yup I think I'll take women over bitches.
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