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What do you Want & Don't Want from your Marriage Life?

Pfft vampires don't get adopted, They Adopt You.
I don't really believe in the concept of marriage, but I probably will get married since it's a requirement to become a family. If it's for the future child's sake, I'll have to do it. Obviously I'd be living with them forever, unless we get into some huge fight and aren't allowed to/can't afford to annul the marriage. I just want one child first. I don't know whether or not I'd want multiple. Twins would be awesome, but I doubt I'd be that lucky. I don't have a real job besides what I do online, so I'd be the one primarily taking care of the baby. That doesn't mean the other parent can slack off. Both need to be involved heavily in the child's life. Also, I don't know whether I'd give birth or adopt... It's one of the biggest conflicts I'm having since I have a fear of needles and pain, but I also would like children with my genes if possible. Surrogacy would be nice, but way expensive. It's extremely important to have everything planned out and talked about thoroughly as possible with your loved one. I wouldn't marry someone if I never lived with them before, if they never want/hate kids, or if they have dangerous habits like smoking/alcoholism. Divorce is not worth it, if it came to a last resort, annulment would be the solution. Before either of those, it's best to try working things out.
What in blue blazes would you even do with a pet vampire? Take it for a midnight stroll?
Wait.. is it a vampire cat or a vampire person? Because if it's a vampire cat XD but if it's a vampire person.. :/ OMG UNLESS SHE'S CUTE AND CLINGY! Then XD OMG NEKO VAMPIRE GIRL CUTE AND CLINGY!? http://31.media.tumblr.com/be13e94fb20738d9f0b9506619d6b293/tumblr_inline_neitfxkHDP1sw2pmi.gif
It'd have to be a pretty dumb vampire to allow itself to be trained like an animal. It'd be like having a human as a pet except with superhuman strength and a lust for bloodshed.
Maybe they're a masochist or have like a horse-play fetish. XD
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