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How do I flirt with people in-person? Im verbally mute pretty much...........

how could i pick up ppl in person out of the online world????? i cant rly even speak i can say a select few words. like tiny ting words ive never been on a date inperson before n im nearly 21 yrs old. lol my life xD should i just start waving my hands all around hoping ppl understand me??? lol idk help lol xD xD
Are you selective mute, or something else? For me, many people believed I was mute because I did not speak in real life for a long time... but it turned out I wasn't mute, but I had depression and anxiety, which amped up my feelings of social awkwardness and social anxiety, making me extremely "shy". For me, in those times the only way to make friends was by going on the internet. I was able to make friends in MMOs, chat rooms, forums, and pretty much anywhere that didn't require using my voice. Eventually, I grew close enough to some people that I met up with a few at anime conventions, and they really accepted me even with how quiet/shy I am. I also have a friend in real life, that I met through a high school counselor. She is actually shyer than me, and what we do is, in order to talk... we write on pieces of paper or type on our PC/phone's notepad program, and we'll just write whatever we want to say, instead of actually speaking. It may seems weird to other people, but it works for us, so that's how we do it. If you have watched Durarara, it's very much like how Celty talks to people, by typing on her phone, then showing them the typed text. I don't actually recommend doing this though, because you may become reliant on it and stop talking altogether... so unless you REALLY cannot talk, you should try making friends online, and maybe slowly get closer and maybe buy a computer mic, and talk on that, with those friends you're already comfortable with. That is one way I'm getting better.
im not selective, my speech is screwed up by something autism related
Ah, I see. Well I would just make friends online, because people you get to know online won't have heard your voice to be prejudice towards you, and will more likely accept you for your personality, since it's easier to express our inner selves online.
it would be rly cool if i met a girl at a comic anime book store. like an movie
Talking is attractive to everybody. You need to overcome the autism if at all possible. If you don't look directly at the person, it may feel easier for you to talk to them. Also, getting yourself mad for no reason can be another way to have that "courage / don't care state" to actually talk to someone.
Life ain't a fairy tail kid, what I learned in life is that you shouldn't have many expectations of it. Though I agree, it Would be cool if you met a girl in a place that you like. Then she comes talking to you. And then we see how it will go on
Didn't you say you had exs?
@walter Yeah, this was a mistake I made all throughout life. I would believe in Shoujo manga... That is a very bad thing for ones' self esteem when you realize it's not happening to you, even though it happens to the girl in the manga. I would expect that people would come talk to me, but that just doesn't happen, unless you really stand out like wearing a cosplay.
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