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Getting over breakup?? ?? How even

This might be long and highly unnecessary but I feel like venting. A guy who I have been dating for 2 months broke up with me 2 time within the time we dated. I have dated many people before him but he was my first Long distance relationship. It felt so right even though it was only two months, it was honestly my shortest relationship but I never felt so attached to someone like this before.. Maybe it was because we had similar interests and we played games together, watched anime together, read manga together and just I just can't even get over him. It's been a week. I'm still a freaking cry baby and I just want him back but all he did was hurt me.. I have to practically beg for his attention. I know he is a poisonous person in my life and it would best be to forget about him. HOW?? How ?? How the frick frack do you get over dumb people like this?
I'm sorry. :( I know a relationship like that can be hard especially if you were spending most of your time with them, then it feels like your whole lifestyle is changed... Well, do you have close friends you still do hang out with? I would try and see if you can hangout with them more, to readjust and find things you like to do without him, but with other people, including friends.
Long distance relationships are super hard. Anyone comes along irl and it's a big temptation. Why I don't bother with an actual relationship online. I'm just friends with them till I get to meet them in person. Getting over someone is really hard. I cried myself to sleep for months after my first serious girlfriend that also took my virginity, broke up with me.
A week isn't much time to get over someone you care about.. Do you know why he broke up with you? Long distance relationships are really hard and they take a lot of effort. It's easy to come to conclusions in our heads when communication is lacking. That being said, if you really want to get over him, the best thing you can do is distract yourself. Stay busy, think about things you enjoy, avoid things you did together. Focus on reasons why you're better off without him. Maybe he did things that really annoyed you? When you DO think about him, think about those things specifically.. That's the best I got. I know how painful these emotions are.. Stay Strong!
Honestly.. It's hard to occupy myself. We did mostly everything together on skype.. I don't have many friends.. I don't really do much. He really gave me a purpose, now it's gone. Thank you all for offering a Kind ear to my ignorant teenage girl dilemma. It's just so hard right now; I don't understand how someone you care about so deeply can just abandon you so easily. Was it all a charade? Like ??
I don't know him personally, so I can't say, but some guys can be manipulative, or some may just have a change of heart later down the road... Often, relationship problems are a result of bad communication, like if one partner is annoyed at something and doesn't speak up... that causes problems more than they will expect, especially if they just keep holding every problem in and never let the other person know until the last minute.
The first and only real break up I've gone through was neither of our choices, so I can't completely empathize with you. But what I did to cope with it is a bit surprising. I forced myself to basically respect the time we had together, with the mentality that I wish this isn't how it ended, but if it is, I absolutely loved the time we spent together. You never really "get over" a break up, like feelings always linger. You'll sometimes wonder what they're doing or what they're thinking. I think it's really romantic, but also really tragic
Mar 18, 15 at 11:42pm
I agree 100% with what alan said. You never really do "get over it".. it does linger. Heck.. I had a long distance relationship 3-4 years ago and to this day, I still think about it. sigh. But it's okay! The important thing is that you cherish the memories and just accept that it didn't work out. 'Sides, you're still young and have plenty of time to meet people. ; v; b
i tend to avoid people i think i wouldn't last long with in a relationship from the start :/ but i just mentally prepare my self before hand if i have a feeling that its not going to work out, my last girlfriend broke up with me in a txt message and i just told her "ok" for my reply and just told my self "welp time to go back to what i did before" and just chose not to think about it very much. Ya I wouldn't want us to break up, I'm not heartless, but i just said oh well.
I can understand where you are coming from. My first gf and I went out for about 2 months, and it almost seemed like we were perfect for each other. But she was 4 years younger than me and her family were extremely religious (I am not). Eventually her family forced her away from me and we split. I was very attached to her and still wish it could have worked out between us. You never do get over it, not at least while you are single. But what I found that worked well to get my mind off it was 1. Work(I worked 40-50 hours at the time)2. hanging out with friends 3. hobbies (sports work especially great) It took me several months to stop thinking about her all the time. But eventually new things in life pop up and fill that void. I hope they are great things for you Suzuya :)
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