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Hey chicos...What things do you hate about girls?

Swords actually require skill to be used as weapons. We wouldn't have nearly as many thugs if that happened.
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That article is from the daily caller and they are politically conservative so they will only report anything that makes feminism look bad. Not the best site to go to to look for examples of feminism. And I am assuming that quote may be from a social media site because it sounds sarcastic and "men's tears" is often used as sarcasm/being ironic on the Internet.
I searched and it was a tweet. They are trying to prove that all feminists are man-haters. Please don't take that serious. That is not feminism either if we did take it seriously.
Can I use throwing knives? I'm good with those ... a for swords ... I'll raise you a spear. @rina it most definnntly looks like a joke instead of news. Besides a lot of guys wouldn't surrender their guns peacefully of that I am certain.
@boundgyluck Thank you for the reassurance. It does look like a joke. But I can never tell if people here when they are joking on not.
People who say guns use no skill have obviously never fired one at a good range.- The guy that loves knifes and swords over almost everything.
I've only ever shot an hk and down range, .5 degrees makes a huge difference. I think the target was 30m away, my angling was Off 2 degrees and it missed the center by about 8 cm
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