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Hey girls...What things do you hate about guys?

Yep, Agreeing with key and lucky...Boredom is what brought me here.
Killing time before work also trying to archive this thread with my post
So...guys here are naturally Dominant than girls.
I say we are equally the same, but with different strengths. ^u^
Well i would say im a disaster at dressing up I also have a combination of shyness insecureness and im asocial to a degree I wouldnt date myself xD
@nekopire wow you went all out XD okay my turn >: 3 -when guys physically fight a lot -is a plain out right bully to others -thinks that girls are weak -only cares about being cool -argues about sports teams (I mean come on we all have our opinions just respect that please) -judges girls and bully them about their flaws(this is why most girls are so insecure and why they are lesbian) -smoking and drugs (it's not cool) -using your gf (like pretending to love her but just using her because you are bored) yep..that's it :3
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