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Hey girls...What things do you hate about guys?

The friend zone happens because what I just was talking about when you don't make a sexual advance and make it obvious that you want to be more than friends in the first few times you meet. Something I learned when I was younger, I was "friends" with almost all the girls in my school. It took me meeting my bf who can take a girl home the first time they meet to show me why I was being friended. He is a complete ass, but a charming one. You have to make it clear friends isn't the goal WITHOUT BEING A TOTAL PIG, a lot of men miss that part.
The friend zone happens because what I just was talking about when you don't make a sexual advance and make it obvious that you want to be more than friends in the first few times you meet. Something I learned when I was younger, I was "friends" with almost all the girls in my school. It took me meeting my bf who can take a girl home the first time they meet to show me why I was being friended. He is a complete ass, but a charming one. You have to make it clear friends isn't the goal WITHOUT BEING A TOTAL PIG, a lot of men miss that part.
@justin lefty that giraffe is so cute!
You guys need to make it quick and let them know if they are bf material I mean come on that's pret t y fuck up if you led them on
@wallace, Women can have male friends and vice versa. It's not a completely unheard of situation. I mean, if you're gonna come at me like you wanna be my friend, guess what, I'm gonna treat you primarily as a friend.
It probably goes both ways. Men and women should make it clear in a relationship what is that they want. There should be a clear line of communication :)
Yes I never said you couldn't just said make sure you let them know it's just friends
So they have to really hit on you so u ou get the hint that would be awful if we all did that
Yeah, it would probably be awful if all the guys started overtly hitting on the girls. It looks like that to be successful with girls you have to be a douche bag who makes sexual advances from the word go :) The gentlemen get left in the wake.
@sadjester oh it definitely goes both ways, there have been women in the bro-zone too hahaha @wallace say you tell someone that you want to "hang out" when what you really want to ask is if they want to go on a date. Well, then that's open for interpretation isn't it? I mean, people of opposite genders hang out all the time without there being any kind of romantic attachment involved. You know to know without a doubt, then you're going to have to properly communicate your intentions to the other person so that everyone's on the same page. Also yeah, if you're attracted to me, most people convey that by flirting. When a couple is only emotionally intimate and have zero physical intimacy, well that's what a good friend is isn't it? Someone who I can talk to about anything but not be physically attracted to.
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