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Do you believe in God/s?

Atheist too. I'm not going to try to sway anyone with opinion. This is just my opinion so hopefully no one gets butt-hurt. It's funny... as people experience the world around them and conclude that there's a god/creator. I experience the same world and I can't possibly believe in the existence of a god/creator. The birth of a baby, the warmth of the sun of my skin, the beautiful starry night sky... I just see a universe devoid of god. The problem I have with western religions based on dogma is, well, dogma itself. Dogma requires you to take what is decried as true without a shred of proof/evidence. It's a form trust or "faith" in other words. I can't blindly believe in something. That's like following a crowd of people going over a cliff to me and that is what most religions do. I like to think that religion tries to bring the best out of people, to form "good" communities, to teach a person that they need to be a good person. I can live with that. I "tolerate" religion as long as it doesn't harm its' followers or other people (mentally or physically). Just don't push it on me or my country. Just lately religion seems to bring out the worst in people; people kill for their beliefs/religion/god(s). You don't see atheists killing "believers" now do ya? (Well, it might happen. I just never heard of it before; or can't think of any examples.) Again, just my opinion.
^Agreed, I dont have a fancy explanation like this dude but I completely agree. Me mostly I just dont care also if you want me to believe something your going to have to prove it or have facts.
Doumo arigatou gonzaimasu Tritri23-san. At the end of the day, people are gonna believe what they are gonna believe. I can respect that and our differences. Again, just as long as it doesn't harm its' followers or other people (mentally or physically). Just don't push it on me or my country. People aren't gonna listen to what you unless they are willing to. (I learned that lesson the hard-way.) It's funny, I've had my share of religious ex's (a Jew who converted to Catholicism and a Super Jesus Freak [and I mention that with hint of humor]) even though they fully knew that I am an Atheist. What they told me is that they were happy with a man that knows what they believe in and they never even tried to convert me. Too bad that religion came come in-between of a couple. I see things further down the line. I rather have my children brought up neutrally as possible about the matter and for them to decide on their own what they believe in. If they turn out Atheist, that's cool. If they turn out to believe in god and even take on a religion, that's cool too. All that would be a bit hard to do if I had a sig other that went beyond teaching and somewhat forced or declared that's the only way to go; I would have a problem with that. (On that note, it's hard to find my unicorn. Someone who doesn't smoke ANYTHING, drink, do illegal drugs and is an Atheist.)
@ tri tri The smallest particles we can see in the universe make up every single thing we can "currently" perceive. There is only energy there in very small particles, no color, ethnicity, or religion. Thus the universe and ourselves are made of the same base materials ... Thus energy should be our "god" which is no entity, has no "book" and will never judge or ask to worship or kill for it. It will just keep on existing forever changing and never disapearing. @yuusaku godai Somtimes the religions are not so much to blame, instead it is the "interpreters" of them who make the bad decisions based on "blind" faith. Teaching morals is good but trying to push morality stories as history. That tends to cause problems and misinterpretations as well.
Last Thursdayism>>>>
@boundbyluck I totally agree, sometimes people interpret teachings in an extreme or even skewed way; sometimes too literal. However I don't see religion as a good example/tool to teach morality. That just should come from anyone intelligent enough to help progress the human race; ultimately for us to not destroy ourselves and for us to live in peace. Not saying it's all bad however something like the bible shouldn't be the "go-to" resource for morality because the the agenda inherit in itself it's trying to pass. I agree too, that "morality stories" or fables shouldn't be taught as history. I know this offends people but I see anything dealing with the existence of god or his son the same as mythology of the Greeks and Romans. Again just my belief and opinion of how I see it.
The short answer is no. I rather not believe in something that may or may not be true based upon human convictions. Likewise, I am not going to completely rule the possibility out because there could be something out there! But there is no religion at this time that I can agree with so I choose to believe that there are some sort of spirits in the world. Also, I believe that our world is not the only one. There may be an unlimited number of planets in the cosmos for all we know. Therefore, I think the only coincidence is that we happen to be on this one. I cannot comprehend blind faith either I guess.
@ Yuusaku Godai.. I don't follow the bible so much.. though I was raised catholic we barely went to church when I was younger; so it was of my own intitiative that I really ever decided to believe (emphasis there) in god, rather than just say it because it's expected and other dubious reasons. I agree bible shouldn't be go to source for morality reasoning; that should come from each individual. And I don't mean to generalize at all (i'd like to make that clear so it's not turned against me somehow) but it seems to me that atheists have good intentions in thinking that religion causes more suffering than it does peace, but how can you unite people to live in peace with no god? What binds them together to live for peace? Science? If that's the case, under Darwinism, we should forget about the poor, mentally retarded, physically impaired and fend for ourselves. Isn't that why people decided to form a social compact and have societies anyhow? To avoid the dire straight situations like those where our moral judgement is called into play? I mean, it's not really logical to provide subsidies to the poor, nor the anxiety disorder people like so many of us here; So what, forget them in the name of science? I know that we could just as easily do that in a country full of "believers," but I think people are more inclined to do the "right" thing as opposed to the "correct" thing when they feel accountable to someone higher than themselves, and no one is above God.
@crimsonsun2xseries Science is suppose to be a tool to explain the physical world around us, not morality. Darwinism just explains how a species survives and evolves. Scientists that use science for some misguided elitist viewpoint to cast aside the weak, retard, handicap is evil (as well as ANYONE that practice the same viewpoint; e.i. The Third Reich). We are human and I want to believe inherently we want to help out our fellow man. That's why we form neighborhoods, communities, towns, cities, states, counties that help each other. Maybe I'm a bit of a romantic. If people don't want to gives their spare change to a beggar at a stop light then that's their decision. You don't need to help but it would be nice; not necessarily good. The beggar could use that money to feed their vices. Everyone has good intentions, in our mind they are good intentions. What matters is what other people think of them.
Society is a human construct we developed while mimicking animals. We just took it to a higher level because of our ability to reason. Societys were not developed because of religions, the sumerians the first civ we recognize, was developed in order to serve their own safety and their leaders. Religion was used to attach obedience on the subjects of the leaders. Not all humans are nice, but our current society which is influenced by many tracks of thoughts and religions, can talk abt morality.openly, but few are the ones who do anything abt moral related problem. Religion is not a true factor, parenting is more of a factor and your own experiences also affect it, but also education has a role to play in it
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