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Anime as reason for dismissal from jury duty?

@ichirai Anime and Cartoons are both part of animation ^^
^^ This. Also, I think it's a funny and slightly dubious reason for being excused. However, I'm sure there have been even better ones. Also, legally, it's perfectly fine I believe.
Jury duty is one reason I don't even vote. It's like punishment for voting even once. That and I'm too lazy to get up.
I don't think he's giving anime or otakus a bad name. There are crazies out there who really can't separate fantasy from reality. I think most people understand that the content of the fantasy itself isn't to blame but the person's ability to separate it from reality. As for Anime being cartoons.. Hell yeah they're cartoons and who cares? That doesn't demean it's content in any way, that's all in your head... and someone who will look down on you for liking anime/cartoons will look down on you just as much if you insist anime and cartoons are not the same so you may as well just not let their views bother you. On a side note, don't look down on me for liking anime and american cartoons damnit!
That's true, I mean you have "adult cartoons" and they are still cartoons. Anything 2D animation can be cartoon. It separates it from 3D animation(which is also called "anime" in Japan). From my experience, a lot of people who like anime are... unstable. Not saying everyone is, and I know people who like anything can be crazy, just that I noticed that there's a bit more mentally unstable people among anime(and game) fans. Some people genuinely like anime because it's fun and all, but some combine that with an unhealthy dependance on anime as a fantasy that they may go to dangerous lengths to "make it real".
Hmmm I guess I haven't met that many other people who also like anime :/ OMG What if I'm mentally unstable and didn't even realize it!? Now you have me worried -_-
Nonono, not everyone is. XD Well, I don't know if maybe it's a USA thing or not. Most(but not all) that I met in real life or online who live in USA seem kind of unstable, like need medications for mental illness or suicidal. Even I'm kind of mentally unstable, with mild clinical depression and anxiety. It's not nearly as bad as some people I know, though.
its a form of escapism... Everyone has their vice. I've seen more people being a bit foolish about anime though, like prefering 2D cartoons over real flesh and blood people. People build up a fantasy that makes them feel better while avoiding actually helping/fixing themselves and then try to validate it as normal while saying others just need to be more accepting/"open minded"...
Hmmm yaasshat, I can agree that some people may take it to an unhealthy level but if they're not hurting themselves or anyone in their process and they're happy living that way and are able to take care of themselves, I don't see why anyone should interfere.. Who are we to dictate how someone else should live and love? Of course this is only the case so long as nobody is getting hurt or harassed or something.
I find his reasoning fair. I can only speak for myself, but it seems that it would be very difficult not to have a biased opinion on the death penalty. And we all develop our opinions based on our experiences. Notice how one of the other potential jurors made reference to a "zombie apocalypse." Most people haven't experienced witnessing murders (like the third dismissed potential juror mentioned in the article), but we can speak our mind on the subject by referring to books, movies, tv, etc. Also, Death Note in particular could certainly influence someone's perceptions of punishment and death.
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