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I have this thing called ebola plz love me!

I don't think anyone disagree's that people shouldn't make fun of something as serious as ebola, Well except for the tc seemingly. Me, I'm just trying to lighten a hollow dark tone with my silly antics........You shall never stop them. For- - http://youtu.be/fXW02XmBGQw
Yeah I agree with you Leo, ebola is a disease that caused immense pain and suffering in West Africa and one shouldn't joke about it. There are other ways to get the attention of people if you are very lonely. http://fc04.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2012/216/d/b/db9b14a8587b53285a1ede59b7952696-d59umci.gif
Omg! Someone agrees with me! Thanks miarin! http://media1.giphy.com/media/3ZWp7uayOKp2M/200_s.gif Anyway, like I was saying. You blew your chance here on finding someone, lonely_sad_hmu. http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m5bh7poQdn1qge11mo2_1280.png
Fancy, Don't feed the troll. To get rid of them you must use your power of "Ignore the troll", it's the only way. Seriously though, this guys name, his picture and all of his topics have been troll bait, If he isn't one I will be shocked out of my mind and then let it fly into acid or crack so I have something more believable to see, See something that makes more sense and this- http://youtu.be/yYGyGtmlcec
i'm sure anyone would agree with you though ^_^ and yep he did.
Hey this part was a joke because i got peer pressured by my friend to do this but everything else on my account is real
just don't joke about stuff like that again man ^^
Yeah... or else I'll give you the real deal.
Nope. Fuck you. Twice.
Rhetoric does not get you anywhere, because Hitler and Mussolini are just as good at rhetoric. But if you can bring these people down with comedy, they stand no chance. Mel Brooks The real argument here is not that Ebola jokes are inappropriate. The real issue is orginizational. Such a silly post shouldn't be put in this section. There is a fine line between comedy and tragedy, that can easily and deservedly tested.
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