Hello, everyone

arcanafairy @arcanafairy
Hello, everyone
arcanafairy @arcanafairy
I have been here for a couple of weeks, but I have not gotten a chance to explore the forums until now. lol I am new and shy, but I loosen up a bit when I get to know you. =3

Guren @guren
commented on
Hello, everyone
Guren @guren
Hi there! Welcome!
I am shy as well, I couldn't even make my own thread introducing myself. So kudos on that!
Hope we can be friends ^^

Leo The Wolf @leo_ss
commented on
Hello, everyone
Leo The Wolf @leo_ss
Hello, Welcome to MO, I am MO's official vampire and wish you a glorious stay.
Do not worry about being shy, I'd say more then half of people here are introvert and completely shy hahahaha.
@Crimson, Extroverts FTW hahaha

arcanafairy @arcanafairy
commented on
Hello, everyone
arcanafairy @arcanafairy
lol Thank you! =3

crimsonsun2xseries @crimsonsun2xseries
commented on
Hello, everyone
crimsonsun2xseries @crimsonsun2xseries
Introverts ftw. Enjoy your stay, fairy friend.

Hyera 혜라 @hyera
commented on
Hello, everyone
Hyera 혜라 @hyera
Welcome to mo.

arcanafairy @arcanafairy
commented on
Hello, everyone
arcanafairy @arcanafairy
lol Yeah! ^_^ Thank you! I got my username from the Yu-Gi-Oh! Arcana Force Archetype. All the monsters are fairies. Plus, Arcana seems to be a good word for an introvert. lol

Afomaru @afomaru
commented on
Hello, everyone
Afomaru @afomaru
You a fan of Persona 3 or 4 by chance? XD Arcana Everywhere~

arcanafairy @arcanafairy
commented on
Hello, everyone
arcanafairy @arcanafairy
Sorry. =( I have not even heard of it until now.
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