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First real life crush

My first crush was A girl i knew in High School. I moved around alot as a child so i always kept my distance never really took any notice to people but in high school i got to settle down and do the whole four years straight. I met this girl going to my local church's youth group she actually invited me out there. Her name was Dana, and when i think back outwardly she'd be what most people consider average but I thought she was stunning, she had a beautiful smile, a great out going personality and was just a joy to be around. We never ended up with each other but to this day we are still friends and talk often enough when we have time since she joined the Armed Forces.
In kindergarten, I had a crush on this boy named Destery...Destiri..? And so did all the other girls! It was a competition to be the first girl out there to hold his hand. He had one ear pierced and I thought that was the cutest thing.
It was when I was around 13, youngest 12, She was about 15, Real cute red head with these stunning bright blue eyes. We got to know each other from having mutual friends(As I usually hung out with those older then me). She was a very free spirited girl, did what she wanted when she felt like it, She practically oozed confidence which back then I was very much an introvert, So that just made her more attractive. Now that I think about it, Something in the back of my mind didn't like her, But too late now. Anyways, After a few weeks of talking she asked me out, and I wouldn't know how to say no to something like that back then, Let alone wanted too. So after a month of going out. She just text me that she was breaking up with me, I asked her why, and she used me to get to my best friend, Who she also used later. Turns out later that afternoon, None of my friends wanted anything to do with me because I and I quote " Broke her heart", Yeah she was a good actor I'll give her that. So lost All my friends and first gf in one day, Well more like afternoon. What I got out of it? Well at first I just shut down for about two weeks just thinking, I hid it from all my relatives because I felt embarrassed. One and only time I thought about suicide. But I'm glad it happened. In two weeks my personality went from, Shy, timid, introvert, Wimpy, Pure naive kid. To Assertive, Smart ass, Leader, Extrovert Stubborn person I am. Not saying It was all good changes, I now have a violent temper if I don't constantly keep it under control, and Whenever I become sad I become angry, The more depressed, The rage I feel, Like a defense mechanism built in my subconscious. Overall, I'm glad it happened now.
As a matter of fact, when I got to university a couple of years ago I ran into my first crush again. We have remained in contact since and you could probably say we're friends now. Only when I met her this second time all those years later did I find out that she also liked JRPG's. She's happily in a relationship now with a very nice guy so everything turned out alright. https://33.media.tumblr.com/0d32b0050bf853376db5d60af7441d0d/tumblr_mxwk7fUVHc1slqs8lo1_r1_500.gif
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